How to cancel Paramount+ subscription

(Pocket-lint) – If you want to cancel Paramount+, the easiest and quickest way to do it is through the Paramount+ website. However, there is a caveat: You need to first figure out where you subscribed to Paramount+. If you signed up for the video streaming service through a third-party billing provider like the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, or Roku, you’ll need to return to that platform to cancel your subscription.

How to cancel Paramount Plus

If you signed up for Paramount+ through its website on your desktop or mobile device, or if you signed up through a smart TV (LG TV, Vizio TV, Samsung TV)  or gaming console(Xbox, PS4), then you can just go straight to and click on username in the upper right-hand corner.

From there, click “Account” and then scroll down and click “Cancel subscription”. That’s it. 


  • Go to
  • Click on username or sign in in the top corner
    • You will need to sign in to your account to cancel it.
  • Click “Account”
  • Scroll down and click “Cancel subscription”

Do you still need help canceling?

We’re guessing you subscribed to Paramount+ through the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, or Roku. No worries.

Paramount+ has a support page that details how to cancel its streaming service from your iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Android phone, tablet or TV, Fire TV, Roku, or even via Prime Video and an Apple TV channel.

For most of those platforms, it looks like you need to dive into the subscriptions area.

Want to know more about Paramount+?

Pocket-lint has an entire guide detailing how much the video streaming service costs, how it works, where it’s available, and what you can watch on it.

Writing by Maggie Tillman.

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