Tagged: Elden Ring tips

All painting puzzle solutions and rewards in Elden Ring

One of the best things about exploring in Elden Ring is that you never know what you are about to stumble upon. You might wander across a hidden dungeon, get ambushed by a boss, or find a hidden NPC. There are so many things to discover that make explo…

The best Dex weapons in Elden Ring

In Elden Ring, nothing can compensate for a lack of knowledge and skill. Yes, this is an RPG in which you can abandon your main objective to go grind out more levels to boost your stats, which is all but required in a lot of instances, but in the end i…

The top 11 things you should do first in Elden Ring

You’ve died (of course), finished the tutorial, and finally taken your first steps out into the open world of Elden Ring. …Now what?

While Elden Ring does give you a little trail of light showing you what’s next in the story, it’s usually a good idea …