Tagged: fan games

The best Sonic fan games

Sonic was once the biggest rival Mario ever faced. The blue blur certainly gave the plumber a run for his money in the 8- and 16-bit days of gaming and was arguably winning in terms of mass popularity for a brief moment in time. Sonic was the cool, hip…

The best fan-made Mario games

Mario is the most recognizable video game character in the world. There’s almost no competition, either. This short, mustachioed, hat- and overalls-wearing plumber has spread across the globe through games, TV shows, movies, comics, cereal, toys, cloth…

The best fan-made Pokémon games

The Pokémon franchise has touched the lives of millions of gamers. The original games were unlike anything else on the market, creating a whole new genre of games focused on collecting and battling a swath of unique and interesting creatures. The main …