Tagged: sci-fi horror

Crimes of the Future review: Cronenberg hails the old flesh

If Hell has an Ikea, it’s fully stocked with the designer grotesqueries that pass for furniture in Crimes of the Future. Dangling womb hammocks, the latest advance in bio-mechanical Tempur-Pedic technology, squirm to relieve the discomfort of those slu…

Everything we know about the Dead Space Remake

Rumors surrounding some form of a revival for the Dead Space franchise were bubbling for a while, with speculation of a remake, Dead Space 4, being tossed around by various sources. This beloved horror series started way back in 2008 with the original …

Crimes of the Future trailer unveils a Cronenberg world

If we’ve learned anything from David Cronenberg’s previous films, it’s that he really loves diving into body horror. Videodrome, The Brood, The Fly, eXistenZ, and Shivers all dealt with the subject matter in different ways. But in Cronenberg’s lat…