GTA Online discounts from March 23-29 after the new Last Dose weekly update

GTA Online had a new weekly update on March 23, which includes several bonuses and discounts that will last through March 29, 2023. Taking advantage of these sales is a terrific way to save money in this game, so some players might be curious to see what’s available this week. GTA+ members already get the following:

  • 75% off Mobile Drug Lub Upgrades
  • 40% off Imani Tech Upgrades
  • 55% off the Advanced Rifle from the Gun Van

The rest of this article will highlight the discounts available to the rest of the player base.

All discounts for GTA Online’s new weekly update (March 23 – March 29, 2023)

Here is a list of everything available at a discount in GTA Online’s latest weekly update:

  • 40% off the Enus Deity
  • 40% off the Ubermacht Rebla GTS
  • 40% off the Combat PDW
  • 35% off the Bravado Gauntlet Classic
  • 30% off the MTL Brickade 6×6
  • 30% off the Western Powersurge
  • 30% off the Taxi
  • 30% off the Annis RE-7B

Explosive action, hallucinations, murky pharmaceutical conspiracies — the GTA Online Los Santos Drug Wars saga has it all.

Get 2X GTA£ and RP on all story missions in both The First Dose and The Last Dose through March 29:

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Explosive action, hallucinations, murky pharmaceutical conspiracies — the GTA Online Los Santos Drug Wars saga has it all.Get 2X GTA£ and RP on all story missions in both The First Dose and The Last Dose through March 29:

This week’s update also includes bonuses tied to some of these vehicles, such as:

  • 2x supplies from Acid Lab Resupply missions
  • 50% higher Acid Production Speed
  • 2x cash from Street Dealers (Acid is one of the products you can sell)
  • 2x cash on Taxi Work

The MTL Brickade 6×6 and Taxi have the most appropriate reductions for those perks.

The other things on sale have nothing to do with this week’s incentives. It’s worth noting that the MTL is still available for free if you complete all First Dose objectives. Likewise, GTA Online players can enter Downtown Cab Co. to start Taxi Work without owning a Taxi.

Nonetheless, these discounts may still be relevant for some gamers.

What else is new in this week’s update in GTA Online?

You need to complete all Last Dose missions to get these free clothes (Image via Rockstar Games)You need to complete all Last Dose missions to get these free clothes (Image via Rockstar Games)

Here is a summary of everything else highlighted in Rockstar’s latest Newswire article:

  • 2x cash and RP for The First Dose and The Last Dose missions
  • The Last Dose missions have been corrected to give 25% more cash than before
  • 2x cash and RP from Stash Houses
  • The Los Santos Drug War Bonuses are still available through March 29, 2023
  • Premium Deluxe Motorsport now features the Eudora, Rebla GTS, Issi Classic, Streiter, and Rapid GT Cabrio
  • Luxury Autos Showroom now features the RE-7B and Astron
  • 2x cash and RP on Trap Door
  • Lucky Wheel now features the Issi Sport
  • Players who are in the top two for LS Car Meet races for two days get the Baller LE LWB (Armored) for free

March 29, 2023, is the last day when players can take advantage of these bonuses and discounts.

Just for reference, here are the items you can get from the Los Santos Drug War Bonuses event that will expire by then:

  • Floral Guffy Pool Sliders: Complete Last Dose 1 – This is an Intervention.
  • Black Enema Flourish Ski mask: Resupply your Acid Lab and do a Sell Mission.
  • Teal Enema Flourish Ski mask: Rob a Stash House once.
  • Lime Leopard Slab cap and Canvas Shoes: Complete all Last Dose missions.

That’s everything that GTA Online players need to know about this week’s update.

Poll : Do you already have everything you want in GTA Online?

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