Honkai Star Rail global release date, countdown, pre-installation, free pulls, and more announcements

Honkai Star Rail recently conducted an official livestream and several Tweets detailing its global release date, some free pulls, and other news. The following countdown should be helpful. Here is a short rundown of everything you need to know about the new game:

  • Global Release Date: April 26, 2023
  • Global Release Time: 10:00 am (UTC+8)
  • Pre-Install Date: April 23, 2023
  • Platforms: PC, iOS, Android

Do note that the PlayStation port is still under development.

This article will include official sources and more details about what gamers should know about Honkai Star Rail.

Honkai Star Rail release date, countdown, and more news

Aspiring Trailblazers will be able to pre-install the game on April 23, 2023. A pre-register link is provided in the official tweet, with players able to do so on the following stores:

  • App Store
  • Google Play
  • Epic Games Store

Players who pre-register will receive 20 Star Rail Passes and a free Serval (a new 4-star character). The game has already met its pre-register requirements, as more than 5,000,000 gamers have signed up.

Honkai Star Rail will officially launch at 10:00 am (UTC+8) on April 26, 2023. A countdown has been provided below for your convenience.


This countdown is for 10:00 am (UTC+8) on April 26, 2023. Thankfully, you don’t need to worry about converting UTC+8 to your time zone since this embed is relevant for all regions.

Do note that it doesn’t count down to the pre-installation but to the game’s worldwide launch. With gamers eagerly looking forward to HoYoverse’s next big hit, the developer has provided some more news about their upcoming title.

80 free pulls

Version 1.0 rewards: Up to 80 free pulls!

We have prepared a wide variety of rewards for you! Take part in the event and get up to 80 free pulls!
Pre-register now and join us for the official launch of the game!
Pre-register Now: hoyo.link/5a1WCjBd


View image on Twitter

Version 1.0 rewards: Up to 80 free pulls!We have prepared a wide variety of rewards for you! Take part in the event and get up to 80 free pulls!Pre-register now and join us for the official launch of the game!Pre-register Now:

hoyo.link/5a1WCjBd#BoardingPreparation https://t.co/UkFXNK6TpH

Honkai Star Rail players will be able to get up to 80 free pulls when the game finally launches on April 26, 2023. This means players can try to get any of the new characters up to 80 times, which should be useful for anybody planning to reroll.

Even gamers who don’t want to reroll will still appreciate the abundance of free summons.

To celebrate Honkai: Star Rail’s official release on April 26, we prepared a special giveaway event!

Rules: Retweet this post and post your expectations for the game with #HonkaiStarRail
Rewards: 100 gift cards worth 100 USD each Pre-register Now: hoyo.link/5a1WCjBd

View image on Twitter

To celebrate Honkai: Star Rail’s official release on April 26, we prepared a special giveaway event!Rules: Retweet this post and post your expectations for the game with

#HonkaiStarRailRewards: 100 gift cards worth 100 USD eachPre-register Now: hoyo.link/5a1WCjBd https://t.co/ZrUeRLDKj2

As far as other freebies go, there is a special giveaway of 100 gift cards worth £100 each. Gamers can retweet the above Tweet with the hashtag #HonkaiStarRail, along with what they think of Honkai Star Rail, for a chance to win.

This promotion ends at 11:59 pm on March 26, 2023. Take advantage of it while it’s still around.

Honkai Star Rail livestream


Players who wish to see the full Special Program for the upcoming game can do so in the above video. It’s 48 minutes and six seconds long and full of details for this sci-fi fantasy RPG title.

For example, players can earn up to 40 Star Rail Passes and 1,600 Stellar Jade by hitting specific Trailblaze Levels. Likewise, several characters and their voice actors were revealed in the video. The new game has many similarities to Genshin Impact when it comes to open-world exploration, teams, and UI.

So anybody who has played that title should feel right at home.

Poll : Will you get Honkai Star Rail when it comes out?

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