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18038, 1mare1, 19Trumpf____d, 45forPRISON, 8ist, a mighty deuce, A Siegel, acornweb, ACTESQ, activeinmd, Aequaliter, Agnes1966, agoldnyc, aimeehs, AJDJR73, Albion1, AllAmericanChica, alsoknownas, AnalGeezer, anamac1210, AndyT, Angela Marx, annan, AnneofGreatHope, annetteboardman, AnnoyedFrog, antonrobb, aPauledInNJ, Arbiter88, Arizona Mike, Argyle Gargoyle, arich, ArkansasJoseph, art ah zen, Art Doyle, Atlanta Biker, Audri, Aureas2, B52D, BabblingBrook, Badkitty2016, balancer, baldysinclair, BaritoneWoman, basquiat518, bbamboo, Belle Ame, bernardsnatager, Besame, besttymes, bethann, betsydc, beverlywoods, bgblcklab1, Bidenmytime, bill dog, Bill888, birdfeeder, bjwelvis, BlackSheep1, blakman1313, bluegirlinpoorredstate, blueinthedeeprad, Blue in WNC, Blue Colorado, Bluefirewolf5, BlueJohn, bluesophie, bluetigereye, bluetownship, bluetoo, bmaples, bmihevc, bob5148, bobinalaska, BobbyBoomBoom, bobobo, Bones1, bonitamia, britt88, brookela, Brunehild, Btemmink, bulb, Bunkerhobbit, bvljac, C Noir, cadam, Cal Worthington, Cali girl, calldonna2, Canid Micturate, CanyonWren, Captain Action, Captain Davie, Carmeninvermont, carolgs, carpunder, carriekc, Cat in the Hat, CathyM, Catkin, catlady3, cbuschkat, Centrist Dem, CereusBison, cgcandela, changeofview, Chartreuxe, chatnoir, cheesedae, Chickie74, Chilipalmer, Chinton, chigh, chrismorgan, chrisron, Christianfirst, chuicuito, Cincinnatus53, CitizenJoe, cjfb, Claudined66, CoastalLib, codyalexis, ColoGal, ColoTim, Compost on the Weeds, cooperjubilee, Copp, copymark, Costanoan, Counselor730, CountryKen, CoyoteSue, cpbn, Crazycab214, CroneRanger, cruisersailor, CSVAC, ctamatt, cumberland sibyl, cwsmoke, cwv, Cyclopsgirl, CynF, Cynical Sonya, Cynizen, Da Rock, DanielCoyne, DannyB, Darkchylde, dadadata, DannyG123, DarkestHour, Darrell Whitchurch, davekro, DaytonaBeachBum, dcynicak, Deadheadatvs, Deadwood13, Debann, debn, debralee, DemocraticKarla, DeniseHa, Denise Oliver Velez, DenverSignCrew, DesertLadyNM, Desert Lass, dianae, dianalynn, Diddybop, Digiterus, dingelbar, Disgusted02, divelly, Dixiecollie, djgreeneyes, dlarsen263, dnrteuer, Doctor Grumpus, doingbusinessas, Don Khan, Done4nau, donparcher, Doobs, Dooey, Dorn, dottygirl, DownHeah Mississippi, downwardly mobile, DPE312, dragonwerx, Dreamstone, drjonesphd, DrLori, dsb, DSC on the Plateau, duckgrad01, duncanidaho, Dunvegan, dustdevil, dyana auset, dymnbak, dzinger, earniewiggins, eashep, Ebonjedi, ecowyoming, Edgar46, edwinf, egamount, egarrett, eggplantfl, Electablog, elizende, Elliot Rosewater, El Mimbreno, elwior, emilyteacher, emmasnacker, ems mom, ericlewis0, Etpm, EviLiberal, evrgreen, faerywings, family farmer, FarWestGirl, fayea, filkertom, fjpace, FlaVoter, FlatulentFather, Flips4fun, FloridaDem0326, Flowergirl77, franie, fankieshane, freemark, fromberkeleytocville, Fury, GabbysDaddy, Gail E Griffith, galaxyWatch, gappy, Gardening Toad, Gator, Gatorgirlnc, gaynette, GDbot, genekraszewski, georgelshea, Gerald Scorse, GFS3, GL Lynx, glbTVET, Glen The Plumber, glorificus, Go Blue USA, godismanmade, GoldenBate, Got a Grip, green sage, greenandblue, greenchiledem, GrizzOzo, grtman, Grumley, gstrome, gunsqhawk, GypsyT, hanniespice, harlank, HarmonyRon, hcarola, hcjones8, hcrawford, hdrinehart01, Heronflight, hershig, hetchywalter, Hholly, histopresto, HM2Viking, Hollowdweller, Holly Heggee, homeexchanger, House O Mayhem, howardappel2, HPSW516, I Hate Republicans, Iaborn, IdeaTipper, Ignacio Magaloni, iluvpuddies, inCheddarland, Inkdreamer, insipid47, ioanna carlsen, IrenicEgalitarian, irisclara, ironrangdem, itsnotbutter, IwishIwerearobot, J Graham, Jackie JB, jackyeager, Jacstorm, JadeSkywalker8, JaeKat, Janesaunt, jarbyus, Jason of Argo, JavaBubba, javax2, jazzyfahy, jcarrington, jdgVDFP, jdmaxell, jdpilch, JefFrohn, jegeisler, jEly, jenfordem, jenheinz, jennifree2bme, jennybravo, jeremyfryberger, JerryNA, Jesus Ghandi, jev12b, Jill, JFHardy, jimmycck9, JimTheGeek, jimwolf359, J L B, joanbrooker, Joey Bagadonuts, John in Denver, Johnnie L Smith, JohnnyBabs, johnrhoffman, Joker2101, jorge gurk, JosBon, josephthebuilder, Joshua Bloxom, Joyce Siegel, joyful505, jrasicmark, Jshell, July4rocks, Junipertree, Just Saying, just us, just working, justKD, justmypiece, kaeleewilliams, kainein24, kaja, Kamalaska, KansasJarhead, kathg, KathrynZ, KATIESMUM, kck, KD143, keepiru, Ketttlemom, Kipsap River, Kitty Praptic, kittycoldfeet, kmkentots, kmp67, krakenstrong, kriski, krwheaton, kwozny, ladybug53, ladypockt, LAgraves, LamontCranston, lao hong han, laperry23, Lavendersblue, Leileis, LibChicAZ, libdoc, liberaldad2, Lilredhead, Limelite, Linda Q, lizagnello, LL Brown, LLEmerson, lockthetraitorsup, loois, LordBlunt, lornakeith, louavul, louiseal94, Lsands1950, lsong, luanne brazewell, Luarvin, Lujane, lupinella, Lupus, mabon, MACGEG, MacroMolly, MadScientist, maggiejean, Mamanyt1953, mandalayt, manoffire, ManyKnives, MargaretPOA, marina, marktheonegun, Mariebn, Martin Lydick, Martin in MD, martinincalifornia, MartyM, maryalden, maryrainbow, MatchGirl, Mathetria, Matilda Briggs, mattoqp, MaxxW, mbh1023, mcfarlin999, mcmomannon, Me and My Aardvark, mealresa, megcrane, mehunt6367, Merck3333, merwin, mesawyer, metalmmom, Meteor Blades, mflinn, Michelle 2774, mightynurse, mike34mike4, mikejay611, MikeTheLiberal, Milret2, Mimikins, Miss Blue, mission419, misterwade, mjroach, mmcguire, Mmeadowmist, MoDem, moldawer, MomcatBlueinNY, MommaBear2, mommyof3, monamongoose, moondanc, Motonirvana, mpcmpc, mpotter, Mrsanders2, MrsTarquinBiscuitbarrel, Ms Fyre, mslat27, mspage, mst4king, mt41w, MTMark, Munchkn, MWF49andforObamaBiden, mwind, Mystery Roach, nailkeg, naiyacp24, nancelot, nancyjones, nannyboz, nawlinscate, nawlinscate, ndgoldendomer, nela1872, NeoCleo, nfeller, nhdlady, ninemileskid, Nstin1, NMDEM19, Nomoto, NOREMORSE, norselandc, Not So Sirius, notdarkyet, notdrinkingtherightwingkoolaid, Nova Land, nsburge, Nuevo Davo, NYSuperLib, oakroyd, obiwandb, oc hope, oconnor303, ohamaker, old iowa guy, OldDragon, oldhippiedude, Ole Texan, openvision, operculum, ornerydad, ORVoter, outtabody, ozsea1, Pahli1969, Parkerbelanysupporter, patrickelliot, PatsBard, Paul E, Paula Writer, PaulNFortWorth, peacearena, pecosbob, pepperpie, peregrine kate, pete080, PeteinVT, PeterHug, Pfirshizzle, pholkiephred, pierre9045, pittgreg, PittJas90, pizzaconnection, PJEvans, plankbob, praxEs, PLeopard, pluck, political junquie, pooka1953, Poswald463, poyma, PrairieFuser, pray4snow, prrnbsn, ptgkc, PubliusMinor, Puddytat, PushMama, puzzled, Queenie3000, quetzalmom, quietcornerlefty, Quintessa, Qwisp, Rabblevox, Raggedman, RagingMama, RandyLH, Ras el Hanout, raspberryberet, rat racer, RationalSouthCarolina, Raucous Indignation, Raven, rebelga, Reetz, Remembering Jello, reformedrepub, renaye, RenMin, Resistance, resistpersistcreate, revbludge, RevWalt, rfosborn, rgremban, RHerberg, Richard Fedder, Richard Villiers, Richardeslc, RichHubie, Richyphoo, rickeagle, Rightprice, RigorMortis, Riki, Rikon Snow, SonnyDog, Rileys Red, Rjw, Rknrobin, rktect, Roadrunner49, Rob in Vermont, Roger Mexico, roses, RosyFinch, roxsaxton, RRG3DAV, Rudyard, rummarhazzit, RunawayRose, Rural juror, Ruralsalt, Rustom, ruthie52, sageblue, sallyk, saluda, SamSinister, sandav, Sara Robinson, Savage, savemycity, schi, Scubee, scyellowdogdem, sdosch, SDZanne, SeattleTammy, seefleur, seelcraft, seymoore, shaalvarez, shadowandmolly, sharondonovan, Sher Watts Spooner, Shrew in Shrewsbury, signup, Simple, Singing Lizard, SirVantes, Sister Havana, Skeptuckian, Skorpio, skrinkels, slokat, slowbutsure, smcthinker, Smurf, socrates shoes, simmkath, smbclifton, SolarMom, SoldierTeacher, Sophies Mom, southingtonian, SpaceElevator, SparkLady, Spiderpriest, Spiff1118, stalegranola, Stena, SteveA NC, stevenwag, stevew1sp, steworange, Stills, strawbale, Sue DeNym, Sue in Greeley, susanWAstate, sweetthesound, swklmpc159, sybild, Syoho, Tamar, tarhealian, tarheelian51, Taosbill, TB50, tegrat, tehodler, TEMkitty, TGW, The Bob, The Geogre, The Widow Flanagan, theaccidentalrabbi, thedead106, theneuron, thenurse27, thepook, TheProgressiveAlien, third Party please, thumbsupcecil, thuprof, TII3570, tjnor01, TLL, tmaguire18, tobendaro, toby1955, TomP, ToniT, tonyahky, Tonyds, Tookish, TopH71, TrainRyder, treefroga1, treehugger, Trocar1970, trry699, truebluedonkey, Truth is Justice, Truthforme, TShaneW, TulsaGal, turtle4, twingrace, twistedflatcat, TwistedResister, twistermom51, Ubwenge, ultrageek, uniqity, urnumbersix, VA6thDem, Van Buren, Veets, vjcalaska, vjm22, Voter1vote, vputsche, vschultzvidal, Waimer, walkingdeer, walking dude, Wally DuBois, waukez, wavicles, wcjones, wgsmith, willard landreth, WireBender73, Wired Wolf, WisdomSeeker, wizdame, Wolffarmer, Wolfound, WolverineForTJatAW, wood worker, woolibaar, Woubbie, wren, wrights, ybruti, Youffraita, Zack from the SFV, Z51Xfire, zainkatz, ZatCSU, ZenTrainer, ziniko, zircon the twisted, zman1527, zombyfireman, zootscoot, zozomike

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