MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING MITCHELL SCHOOL DISTRICT 17-2 March 13, 2023 The regular meeting of the Board of Education was called to order by President Deb Olson at 5:30 PM at the Mitchell Career Technical Education Academy 821 North Capital Street, Mitchell South Dakota, Davison County. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll call of members present: Deb Olson, Matthew Christiansen, Shawn Ruml, Terry Aslesen and Brittni Flood.

Absent: None. Others present: Dr. Joe Childs, Interim Superintendent, Steve Culhane, Business Manager, and Student representative Claire Hegg & Dawson Schroeder.

Motion #355234 Motion by Ruml, seconded by Christiansen to approve the agenda as presented. Motion carried. At this time, Board member Aslesen asked that the minutes of the February 13, 2023 meeting be changed to reflect the following; On board action #355226 to add wording “approve the purchase of the Lot for the MTC Student Built house”.

And on board action #355229 to include “the contribution of £200 towards the legal fees” to help with vacating of an alley way. Motion #355235 Motion by Christiansen, seconded by Flood to approve the consent agenda items of the claims, personnel items, one open enrollment request and the amended minutes of the February 13, 2023 meeting. These minutes had been sent to the Daily Republic in unapproved form all in accordance as per SDCL 13-8-35.

New Classified Hires: Amber Zihkle, ParaEducator/GBR, £13.75/hr., 7 hrs./daily, effective February 22, 2023. Demetrius Wells, ParaEducator/GBR (part-time/8:30-12:30), £17.00/hr., effective February 24, 2023. Gladys Perez-Rodriguez, Custodian/MS, £15.00/hr., 8 hrs./daily, effective March 14, 2023.

Joseph Maldonado-Torres/Custodian/LBW, £15.00/hr., 8 hrs.,/daily, effective March 14, 2023. Transfers: Sarah Timmer, .5 FTE, 3rd Grade Teacher/GBR to 1.0 FTE 3rd Grade Teacher/GBR, effective 2023-2024 school year. Ann Moege, 7th/8th ELA Teacher/MS to Secondary ENL Instructor, MS/SH, effective 2023-2024 school year.

Resignation/Retirement: Deb Olson, Accounts Payable Specialist, effective June 15, 2023. Resignation: Baker Haar, 7th Grade Head Football Coach, effective end of 2022-2023 school year, pending suitable replacement. McKenzie Mertens, 8th Grade Volleyball Coach, effective end of 2022-2023 school year, pending suitable replacement.

Emily Brunsing, .5 FTE, 3rd Grade/.5 FTE Elementary ELA Teacher/GBR, effective end of 2022-2023 school year. Amanda Hargreaves, resigning from a year of absence, effective end of 2022-2023 school year. Larry Gromer, Maintenance Worker, effective March 6, 2023.

Katie DeRoos, Special Education Teacher/SH, effective end of 2022-2023 school year. Motion carried. During Public Commentary, Steve Sibson and Dwight Stadler spoke about the article from the New York Times regarding the use of masks during the pandemic.

Jay Tolsma of ELO, Prof. LLC presented the June 30, 2022 Audit report of the Mitchell School District. There were no findings and the financial review was given the Unmodified Opinion which is the highest opinion on the Financial Statements and on the schedule of Expenditures on Federal awards.

Motion #355236 Motion by Aslesen, seconded by Flood to accept the FY22 Audit report. Motion carried. Motion #355237 Motion by Ruml, seconded by Christiansen to approve that all 9 month employees be paid their daily wage during the rest of the school year when snow days are called and these days become E-Learning days and are not made up at the end of the school year.

The first day of this was on February 23, 2023. Motion carried. The following bid was received for the Mitchell School District Technology Cabling bid; Bidder Base Bid Alternate 1 Alternate 2 Muth Electric/Muth Technology £342,850 £62,667 (£3,058) Discussion was held on the bid.

This bid is within budget amounts established. Also, E-rate funding is available to reduce the overall expense by £145,000 by submitting the invoices for reimbursement. Motion #355238 Motion by Ruml, seconded by Flood to accept the Base bid of £342,850 and the Alternate 2 bid of (£3,058) for having no performance bond as this bid will be covered under the Construction Management contract with Puetz Design+Build.

Motion carried. The following resolution was discussed with regard to asking the tax payers of the Mitchell School District to pass a 17 million dollar bond issue to complete the Athletic portion of the new Senior High School Building project. RESOLUTION NO.

2023 – RESOLUTION DECLARING NECESSITY AND EXPEDIENCY FOR ISSUANCE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION SCHOOL BONDS, CALLING AN ELECTION THEREFORE AND HIRING PROFESSIONALS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. BE IT RESOLVED by the School Board of Mitchell School District 17-2, Davison and Hanson Counties, South Dakota, as follows: 1. Declaration of Necessity. it is hereby found, determined and declared that it is necessary and expedient for this school district to borrow money by issuing its general obligation school bonds in an amount not exceeding £17,000,000 payable from 1 and not to exceed 30 years from date of issuance, bearing interest payable at such times and at such rate or rates as may be determined by the school board, for the purpose of financing school facilities, facilities, renovations, improvements and additions, including completing the new High School Project by adding the High School Gymnasium, locker rooms, weight room, auxiliary gym, gymnastics/multipurpose room, cheer/dance space, wrestling room, and furnishing and equipping the same and the costs of issuing the bonds.


SHALL THE ABOVE PROPOSITION BE APPROVED AND THE BONDS ISSUED? Polling places and Judges. Polling places and judges and clerks for said election shall be selected according to South Dakota Law.

Voter Registration Deadline. The Business Manager is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of voter registration and deadline therefore, as required by law. The deadline for voter registration shall not be less than fifteen (15) days prior to the election.

The Business Manager shall give notice of the availability of registration officials and state when registration will be terminated and the effect of a failure to have registered. Such notice shall be published in official newspapers of the District at least once each week for (2) two consecutive weeks, the last publication to be not less than (10) ten nor more than (15) fifteen days before the deadline for registration. Notice of Election.

The Business Manager is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of school bond election, said notice to be published in the official newspaper for the District, once each week for two (2) successive weeks before said date of election. The second notice shall be published not less than four (4) days nor more than ten (10) days before the election. Ballots.

The Business Manager is authorized and directed to cause printed ballots to be prepared for use at said election in substantially the form on file with the Business Manager and to publish with the second notice of election. Canvass. Said election shall be held and conducted and the votes cast thereat shall be counted, certified and canvassed according to law, and this Board shall meet at the regular meeting room in Mitchell, South Dakota, in the District for the purpose of canvassing the results within six (6) days of the election.

2. Hiring of Professionals. Meierhenry Sargent LLP of Sioux Falls, South Dakota is hereby designated as bond counsel for this issue and Colliers Securities LLC, hereby designated as Underwriter for this issue.

The President and Business Manager are authorized to execute such documents as are necessary to carry out the intent of this paragraph.

3. Authorization of Officers. The Superintendent, School Board President and Business Manager are authorized to sign any acknowledgement, certificates or documents required by Municipal Advisor in connection with the Bonds.

Motion #355239 Member Terry Aslesen moved for the adoption of the foregoing Resolution. Said motion was seconded by Member Matthew Christiansen and upon vote being taken the following voted AYE: Terry Aslesen; Matthew Christiansen, Shawn Ruml, Brittni Flood and Deb Olson. and the following voted NAY: NONE. whereupon said motion was declared duly passed and adopted and was signed and attested by the President and Business Manager. Deb Olson President; Steve Culhane, Business Manager.

School Board members reported on the meetings they had attended since the last meeting. Interim Superintendent Dr. Childs informed the school board that student representative of the School Board, Claire Hegg, had been honored as the Student of the Year at Mitchell Senior High.

Motion #355240 There being no new business brought forward, Motion by Flood, seconded by Christiansen to adjourn the meeting at 6:45 P.M. Motion carried. General Fund A T & T Mobility/First Net Long Distance Service 513.80 AATSP National Office Membership Renewal 130.00 Al’s Engraving Signs 16.50 Andersen, Maddie Debate Judge 375.00 Apple Inc.

Computer Equipment 598.00 Arctic Refrigeration Equipment Repairs 97.96 Arend, Jamin BB Official 560.00 ASBSD Registration 200.00 Bacon, Blaine Wrestling Official 401.50 Becker, Sherri Lodging 365.76 Best Western Ramkota Hotel Lodging 74.00 Bierschbach, Alan Wrestling Official 392.32 Bishop Heelan Vocal Music Crusader Classic 250.00 Borch’s Sporting Goods Softball Uniforms 10,750.00 Boyens, Craig Admin Supervision 50.00 Brad’s Instrument Repair Instrument Maintenance 205.00 Bruguier, Kimberly Show Choir Costumes 82.94 Burns, Devin BB Official 125.00 C & B Operations Equipment Repairs 455.20 Cahoy, Robin Title IV Expenses 131.60 Carpenter, Travis Wrestling Worker 490.00 Carquest Auto Parts Auto Supplies 300.36 Cassutt, Patricia Classroom Supplies 508.81 Cersosimo, John Wrestling Worker 80.00 City Of Mitchell Landfill Fees 32.16 CK Bicycles/Locks Service Calls/Key Blanks 324.00 County Fair Food Supplies 711.46 Crazy About Cupcakes Cookies 216.00 Creative Learning Systems Filament 557.04 Culhane, Matthew Announcer 300.00 Dailey, Matt BB Official 140.00 Dakota Wesleyan University Snow Removal/LBW 855.62 Darrington Water Conditioning Water Conditioning 179.95 Daylight Donuts Baked Goods 214.18 De Jong, Adam BB Official 555.00 De Waard, Leah Title II Expenses 120.00 Demco Library Supplies 510.82 Dockendorf, Pat BB Worker 730.00 Ed’s Pet World Program Supplies 15.98 Einsteins Vintage Costumes 340.00 Elmers, Jeramie Wrestling Official 371.10 Entringer, Aaron BB Official 172.60 Entringer, Pete BB Official 186.90 Erdmann, Danielle Lab Supplies 58.53 Farmers Alliance Fuel 805.33 First Nat’l Bank Omaha Travel/Program Expenses 11,180.12 Fisher Scientific Program Supplies 97.68 Flinn Scientific Classroom Supplies 265.21 Foreman Student Transportation 68,110.71 Forsstrom, Daniel BB Official 170.38 Gerlach, Cynthia Program Supplies 149.43 Giblin, Scott BB Official 200.00 Grabenstein, Heather Snow Day Packets 45.60 Graham Tire Company Vehicle Repair 3,182.84 Grainger O/M Supplies 374.36 Greenway, Doug Wrestling Worker 45.00 Grivna, Tim Announcer 100.00 Gropper, Clayton AHA Training Agreement 50.00 Grotjohn, Parker BB Official 855.00 Gubbrud, Chris Dot Cards 62.84 Haar, Baker FB Supplies 95.86 Hampton Inn Lodging 891.00 Hanna, Christian BB Official 180.00 Hauglid, Thomas BB Official 163.12 Havlik, Brent Wrestling Worker 90.00 Hieb, Matt BB Official 138.64 Hiles, Andrew Staff Appreciation Gift Cards 25.00 Hillyard/Sioux Falls Custodial Supplies 5,201.13 Hobart Sales/Service Equipment Repairs 316.81 Holiday Inn Express Lodging 77.00 Holter, Bryce BB Official 125.00 Honda Of Mitchell Vehicle Repair 131.87 Honeywell Service 9,795.67 Horan, John BB Worker 425.00 Huska, Kaitlyn Classroom Supplies 31.58 Innovative Office Solutions Program/Office Supplies 985.76 Jerke, Jennifer Lodging 335.78 Johnson, Lee BB Official 141.00 Jones Supplies Custodial Supplies 9,606.74 Jones, Michaela Title II Expenses 123.46 Jostens Diplomas 1,260.65 Kayser, Donnie BB Official 420.00 Kelly, Patricia Colony Mileage 143.08 Korzan, Mathias Debate Judge 100.00 Krohmer Plumbing Service Call 633.92 Kuiper, Nicki Professional Dev/Mitchell Christian 659.00 Kully Supply O/M Supplies 1,206.92 Lead-Deadwood School Dist Reading Recovery 1,200.00 Leighton, Danielle Jumpstart Supplies 85.20 Lubbers, Blaze BB Official 320.00 Master Teacher, The Employee Recognition Awards 849.40 Max, Carson Wrestling Worker 110.00 Mc Cain, Tim BB Official 210.00 Mc Clemens, Patty Admin Supervision 50.00 Mcleods Office Supply Printed Material/Supplies 580.38 Mctea Culinary Arts Toy/Csoy 470.47 Mega Wash Vehicle Washes 17.00 Midco Business Long Distance Service 4,001.35 Midwest Fire & Safety Extinguisher Inspection/Supplies 793.50 Miedema Sanitation Trash Removal 5,393.00 Miiller, Judy Meeting Supplies 85.73 Miller, Madison-Ainsley Debate Supplies 59.98 Mitchell Concrete Gravel 42.55 Mitchell Republic Minutes/Advertising 850.63 Mitchell Schools/Food Service Food Supplies 964.08 Moody, Walter Wrestling Worker 110.00 Moore, Traci Food For Expo 271.11 Mouw, Casey Wrestling Worker 80.00 Murphy, Kathryn Program Supplies 30.32 Muth Electric Electrical Service/Supplies 2,496.29 My Place Aberdeen Lodging 1,120.00 My Place Brookings Lodging 539.00 Nebraska Air Filter Air Filters 3,759.92 Nepstads Flower Shop Flowers 84.00 Northern SD NFL District Debate Entry Fees 735.00 Nydam, Jill Title II Expenses 209.52 Odp Business Solutions Program Supplies 237.62 Olson, Debra Board Supply Expense 200.00 Oppold, Koln BB Official 230.00 Ortmeier, Adam Debate Judge 375.00 Pepper Music 113.73 Performance Foodservice Food Supplies/Ffvp 23,137.55 Perma-Bound Library Books 481.18 Popplers Music Store Music Supplies 59.90 Premier Pest Control Pest Control 675.00 Prewett, Evelyn Debate Judge 175.00 Prunty, John Fuel 283.94 Qualified Presort Service Postage 929.92 Region V Large Group Contest Entry Fee 525.00 Ricketts Jr., Jim BB Official 138.64 Riverside Technologies Managed Services 205.00 Runnings Supply O&M/Program Supplies 1,634.78 Ruth, Mike BB Official 146.10 Sanchez, Caleigh Debate Judge 75.00 Sargent Welch Classroom Supplies 303.06 Schoenfelder, Meagan Office Supplies 52.19 Schoenfelder, Tate BB Official 90.00 Scholastic Magazines Subscriptions 313.17 School Specialty Classroom Supplies 1,321.11 Scott Supply Co Repair Parts 238.25 SD FCCLA State Conference 580.00 Sdiaaa % Jim Dorman Conference Registration 290.00 SDRA Contribution 596.94 Sewright, Annette Colony Mileage 325.00 Shannon, Marica Art Supplies 31.92 Sherwin Williams Paint Supplies 48.64 Shi International Corp Software 730.00 Siegel, Alivia Debate Judge 75.00 Skinner, Suzanne Fccla State Conference 102.00 Sonne, Amanda Activities Pack 98.51 Sparks, Brandon Wrestling Worker 110.00 Sparks, Brock Wrestling Worker 110.00 Spicer, Jason BB Official 80.00 Stanforth, Steve Bb Worker 450.00 Starr, Kristina Colony Mileage 325.00 State Supply Co O/M Supplies 5,305.40 Sturdevant’s Auto Parts Program Supplies 11.85 Sturgis Lodge & Suites Lodging 621.00 Sun Gold Sports Program Supplies 637.00 Taylor, Lee BB Official 138.64 Thill, Alisa Title II Expenses 230.00 Triotel Communications Telephone/Colonies 174.25 Ups Store Shipping 69.98 Van Overschelde, Joseph Wrestling Worker 175.00 Vilhauer, Brandon Wrestling Official 80.00 Voyager Fleet Systems Fuel 3,553.08 Walmart Program Supplies 1,090.35 Warwick, Gabby Debate Judge 75.00 Watertown High School Debate Entry Fees 142.00 Weier, Christopher BB Official 85.00 Wheelco Truck & Trailer Parts Repair Parts 39.26 White, Gary Bb Official 425.00 Whitledge, Christina Payroll Membership Dues 298.00 Williams Repair Piano Tuning 110.00 Total General Fund 217,556.97 Capital Outlay First Nat’l Bank Omaha Travel/Program Expenses 899.00 Office Advantage Printing Contract 2,599.66 Riverside Technologies Printer 2,700.00 School Specialty Chairs 307.23 Shi International Corp Software 2,450.00 Xerox Financial Services Copiers Lease 2,246.74 Total Capital Outlay Fund 11,202.63 Special Education Career Connections Contracted Services 2,402.28 Children’s Care Hospital Tuition 13,000.00 Collaborative Solutions Professional Services 10,811.25 Iowa School For The Deaf Professional Services 57,167.28 Isi Interpreter Services 13,597.80 Sped Recipient Parent Mileage 61.20 Larson, Karin Professional Services 5,125.00 Life Quest Tuition 7,380.00 Maeschen, Rachel Mileage 84.48 Palace Transit Student Transportation 7,101.96 Rames, Emily Mileage 16.13 Sd Dept Of Human Services Tuition 15,695.42 Voyager Fleet Systems Fuel 42.00 Walmart Program Supplies 109.98 Total Special Education Fund 132,594.78 Post Secondary 44 Interactive Advertising 68,394.52 A & G Diesel Hub Oil/Starting Fluid 215.25 A Ox Welding Supply Powersports/Cylinders 1,637.63 Advance Auto Parts Car 2 Wiper Blades 105.95 Aia Corporation Student Success Jacket 63.89 American Garage Door Adjusted Operator Limits 349.90 Appraisal Associates Appraisal Report 4,000.00 Aramark Rugs/Campus Center 743.34 Avera Queen Of Peace Drug Test/Screening 547.86 Bailey Metal Fabricators Welding-Flat 194.24 Balfour Honor Cords 268.50 Basin Electric Power Coop Monthly-Lease,Materials 5,123.37 Big E Auto Service Vehicle repairs 370.09 Border States Electric Sgl Anchor 1,321.80 Brookings Area Cpr Ctc Cpr Cards 418.00 Brooks Oil Company Propane-Cdl Training Center 424.88 Buhl’s Drycleaning Culinary Linens 65.08 C & B Operations Fuel Filter 658.69 Cambria Suites Rapid City Clinical Visit 589.00 Carquest Auto Parts Universal Coolant 599.03 Clubhouse Hotel & Suites Lodging 189.35 Cole Papers Skirt Blade/Squeegee Blade 282.79 Concordance Health Solutions Paper Z Fold, Tubing Coil 116.75 Crazy Lady Consuling Consulting Services-February 4,850.00 Dakota Data Shred Document Shredding 45.22 Dakota Pro Striping Snow Removal 2,125.00 Darrington Water Conditioning Salt 31.65 Department Of Veterans Affairs Returning Funds 2,742.21 Deuter, Clayton Tea Conference, 20x Rodeo 175.00 Digital Compliance Hipaa Training & Bloodborne 174.87 Division Of Motor Vehicles Title Fees Boat & Trailer 20.00 Domino’s/Mitchell Exploration Day 654.78 E & M Consulting 2024 Minnesota Rural Electric Assn 205.95 Elo Prof Foundation Qbo Fees-February 3,617.00 Empire Advertising 700.00 Experian Credit Bureau Services 44.00 Farmers Alliance Forklift Fuel 1,024.96 Fastenal Company Hfem 65.34 Fenski, Dezarae Sturgis Career Fair 43.00 Flanagan, Fredrick Car Wash Reimburse 13.00 Fm Acoustical Tile Wifi Project 1,907.20 Foreman Transportation 875.00 Freeman, Paula Clinical Visits 227.00 Fuerst, Doug Sturgis Career Fair 26.00 Gaumard Scientific Co Repairs 407.00 Golden West Technologies Tele Answering Services 25.00 Graham Tire Company Tire Repair 183.98 Graybar Wifi-Cables, Tools 2,666.80 Hanson, Terry Services 80.00 Herrmann, Lisa Clinical Visits 75.00 Hi Media Advertising 3,334.00 Innovative Nonprofit Consulting Services 5,875.00 Innovative Office Solutions Custodial Closet Chairs 575.06 Interstate Tire & Auto Propane Trainer 364.00 James Valley Landscape Sprinkler Maintenance 2023 2,323.30 Jimmy Johns Career Fair 267.25 Johnson Controls Artic Chill Repairs 3,521.66 Jones Supplies Custodial Supplies 1,883.35 Jrcert 2023 Annual Fee-Rad Therapy 2,270.00 Krcil, Amber Rapid City Clinical/Career Fair 43.00 Kulm, Heather Sturgis Career Fair 58.00 L & J Kreations Gift Adjunct Cdl Instructor 4,812.50 Lamar Companies Advertising 725.00 Mckesson Medical-Surgical Trio Paper 156.56 Mcleods Office Supply Linen Resume Paper 459.40 Medical Waste Transport Medical Waste Removal 178.72 Mega Wash Car Wash 131.00 Menards Kraft, Safety Glasses 2,655.14 Mettler Implement Shaft 3.99 Miedema Sanitation Trash Removal 906.00 Mitchell Convention & Visitors Mitchell Guide To Everything Ad 1,125.00 Mitchell Figure Skating Club Advertising 75.00 Mitchell Iron & Supply Square Tube 321.06 Motor Market, The Advertising 2,150.00 Muth Electric Motion Sensors In Exercise Room 9,896.19 Nedved Media Advertising 924.84 Norfolk Iron & Metal Flat Bar 367.35 Northwest Vet Iv Catheter, Enema Bag 78.98 O’reilly Auto Parts Wire, Tape, Wire Conduit 108.63 Office Advantage, The Printing Contract 1,951.49 Osborne, Tom Sturgis Career Fair 32.00 Petrik Sanitatio Cardboard Service 120.00 Pfeifer’s Bobcat Loader Repairs 1,320.09 Ponderosa Rentals Storage Unit Rent-March 160.00 Premier Pest Control Pest Control 675.00 Pride Neon Sign Co Mtc Printed Logo On Flag 3,000.00 Pro Contracting 3rd Party Testing 2,880.00 Proctorfree Hosting Fee Monthly/Proctored Exams 1,203.00 Puetz, Brandon Pierre Career Fair 32.00 Qualified Presort Service Postage 2,607.95 Reynen, Abbie Curriculum Development 1,500.00 Runnings Supply Safety Vests And Glasses 1,358.36 Russell, Devon Sturgis & Pierre Career Fair 64.00 S & M Printing Banners 107.00 Saga Communications Sd Advertising 946.00 Schoenfelder Portables Portable Toilets 110.00 Schramm, Eric National Home Builders Show 225.00 Scott Supply Co Hydraulic Oil 129.46 SD Chamber Of Commerce 2023-2024 Membership 355.00 Sd Dept Of Labor/Regulation Wage Data Agreement 254.11 Sdrs Contribution 149.23 Sdsrt Conference Registration 1,615.00 Sherwin Williams Texture Spray Gun 80.14 South Dakota Board Of Tech Ed Lobbying Services 5,755.00 Stan Houston Equipment Cabinet Supplies 537.76 State Steel Of South Dakota Hot Rolled Sheet 383.70 Sturdevant’s Auto Parts Powersports-Set 29.98 Subway Career Fair 1,747.25 Sun Gold Sports Tape, Foam 12.00 Swett, Amya Sturgis Career Fair 32.00 Thunes True Value Nuts & Bolts 2.34 Tk Elevator Corporation Elevator Service 517.83 Tuttle, Rodney 2nd Qtr Building Lease Pymt 6,875.00 Unisa Payment Center/Perkins Loan 511.30 United Laboratories Wasp Whacker, Solar Solvent 1,869.37 Us Bank Operations Center February Facility Fees 44,100.00 Us Treasury Refund 484.00 Voyager Fleet Systems Fuel 7,791.33 Walmart Program Supplies 2,160.03 Weisser, Shirlyce Ziplocks/Jelly Beans 103.33 Wheelco Truck & Trailer Parts Diesel-Seal, Union 15.88 Wright, Barbara Clinical Visit 75.00 Xerox Financial Services Copiers Lease 1,004.48 Total Post Secondary Fund 250,157.26 MTC Enterprise Fund A Ox Welding Supply Nitrogen Refrigerated Liquid 91.11 Aramark Culinary Laundry 1,126.20 Buhl’s Drycleaning Culinary Linens 65.09 Builder’s Millwork & Window House 109-Interior Finish 5,344.60 Cash-Wa Distributing Cafe Supplies 5,727.42 Chesterman Company Cafe Supplies 786.94 County Fair Oak Room Supplies 287.20 Dakota Supply Group House 109-Hct 647.30 Echo Group House 109-Cabinet Lighting 505.05 Jones Supplies Culinary Supplies 1,846.61 Lance’s Renovations House 110-Spray Foam 6,068.38 Menards House 110-Hct 1,247.18 Miedema Sanitation Trash Removal 70.00 Northwestern Energy House 109 319.09 Patzer Woodworking House 109-Interior Finish 7,319.17 Performance Foodservice Culinary Supplies 3,945.38 Schoenfelder Portables Portable Toilets 110.00 Upper Midwest Garage Door House 109-Garage Doors 13,830.00 Walmart Program Supplies 89.12 Total MTC Enterprise Fund 49,425.84 MCTEA Academy A Ox Welding Supply Welding Supplies 559.02 Advance Auto Parts Program Supplies 74.46 Carquest Auto Parts Auto Supplies 204.92 First Nat’l Bank Omaha Travel,Program Expenses 353.24 Lincoln Electric Co Welding Supplies 172.86 Napa Central Program,O/M Supplies 56.32 Odp Business Solutions Program Supplies 21.87 Runnings Supply O&M/Program Supplies 585.52 Wards Science Classroom Supplies 174.93 Total MCTEA Academy Fund 2,203.14 MTC Corporate Training A Ox Welding Supply Corp Ed-Industry Training 13.27 County Fair Corp Ed-Poet 206.81 Elo Prof Corp Ed Qbo Fees-January 50.00 Jimmy Johns Corp Ed-Poet 92.41 Pepsi Mitchell Vending/Water 473.38 Ruby Tuesday Corp Ed-Graphic Packaging 576.66 Sdslha Continuing Education Fees 500.00 Voyager Fleet Systems Fuel 59.11 Walmart Program Supplies 9.98 Whiskey Creek Woodfire Grill Corp Ed-Poet 255.00 Total MTC Corporate Training Fund 2,236.62 Food Service Adventures In Advertising Corp Program Supplies 748.22 Aramark Laundry Service 797.22 Arctic Refrigeration Equipment Repairs 11,184.63 Chesterman Company Food Supplies 3,592.50 Darrington Water Conditioning Water Conditioning 784.95 East Side Jersey Dairy Food Supplies 13,662.45 Hillyard/Sioux Falls Custodial Supplies 934.15 Hobart Sales And Service Equipment Repairs 279.34 Jones Supplies Custodial Supplies 2,618.73 Laible, Laura Meal £ Refund 36.08 Midwest Fire & Safety Extinguisher Inspection, Supplies 1,994.00 Pepsi Mitchell Vending/Water 3,593.36 Performance Foodservice Food Supplies 152,558.40 Total Food Service Fund 192,784.03 MTC Campus Store Balfour Cap/Gown 1,523.50 Crescent Electric Supply Co Tools 109.06 Dakota’s Best Distributing Campus Store Snacks 193.28 Elenco Electronics Solder Practice 520.36 Innovative Office Solutions Paper 1,283.29 Pepsi Mitchell Vending/Water 72.50 Snap-On Industrial Tools 403.12 Sun Gold Sports Water bottles 4,350.00 United Parcel Service Freight 298.57 Total MTC Campus Store Fund 8,753.68 Cash Balance as of February 28, 2023 Beginning Balance, £21,794,773 General Fund Balance £7,973,260, Capital Outlay Balance £4,919,056, Special Education Balance £1,125,894, Mitchell Tech Balance £4,674,439, Food Service Balance £1,511,957, Driver’s Ed Balance (£-2,180), T/A Balance £3,181,537, James Valley Coop Balance £10,526, Capital Projects Fund Balance (£1,599,716) Total Revenue, £5,421,995 General Fund £1,914,096, Capital Outlay £166,576, Special Education £523,969, Mitchell Tech £441,184, Food Service £170,246, Driver’s Ed £-0-, T/A £606,208, James Valley Coop £-0-, Capital Projects Fund £1,599,717 Total Expenditures, £5,274,562 General Fund £1,966,720, Capital Outlay £11,615, Special Education £439,312, Mitchell Tech £1,945,501, Food Service £147,080, Driver’s Ed £-0-, T/A £443,504, James Valley Coop £47,690, Capital Projects Fund £273,140 Ending Balance, £21,942,206 General Fund £7,920,636, Capital Outlay £5,074,017, Special Education £1,210,551, Mitchell Tech £3,170,122, Food Service £1,535,123, Driver’s Ed £(2,180), T/A £3,344,241, James Valley Coop £(37,164), Capital Projects Fund £(273,139) Published once at the total approximate cost of £270.04 and may be viewed free of charge at www.sdpublicnotices.com. (April 1, 2023) 208984

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