Police Briefs
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Calls for service Belleville Police responded to 163 calls for service over a 48-hour period beginning at 5 a.m. on April 3 to 5 a.m. on April 5. Fraud Alert
Belleville Police received two separate complaints regarding fraudulent incidents on April 4th. In the first incident, the victim had applied for a job online. As part of the hiring process, the victim was requested to deposit cheques into their bank account and purchase Apple gift cards.
In return, the victims were told they could keep a portion of the funds. The second incident was reported to police after the fact, however also involved the victim depositing a cheque into their account and then purchasing Apple gift cards.
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The first victim was defrauded £1200 while the second victim was out £500.
The Belleville Police Service would like to remind everyone to be vigilant in these circumstances and that when contacted via e-mail or over the phone there is a possibility it may be fraudulent and are encouraged to investigate further. An excellent resource on current scams can be located on-line by visiting the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre. There is a list and description of various types of frauds currently circulating in the community.
The following is a link to the site: https://www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/scams-fraudes/azindex-eng.htm
9-1-1 Hang-Ups Over the past 24 hours, the Belleville Police Service have received fourteen 9-1-1 hang up calls. The majority of calls were related to pocket dials, one was a child who dialed in error and one was dialed in error from an Apple watch.
Only one of the fourteen calls required immediate assistance for a female who had fallen and required assistance from Paramedics.
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Unintentional 9-1-1 calls become a public safety issue and strain law enforcement resources. Police are reminding people to lock your key pad on your mobile device and to prevent small children from playing with these devices.
If you place an unintended 9-1-1 call, it is important that you stay on the line as every call is taken seriously. When you stay on the line, it gives you the opportunity to speak with an operator. If you hang up, we will call back.
It is important that you answer as we are trying to determine if there is an emergency. If there is no answer on a call back, alternative steps and additional resources may be required to locate the caller. Every second counts when someone is waiting for an emergency operator to pick up a 9-1-1 call.
The Belleville Police Service thanks everyone for their attention to this potentially life saving matter.
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Disturb the peace Belleville Police were called to an east end location regarding a disturbance on April 3, at approximately 7:40 p.m.
Reports were coming in about two males fighting in the middle of the intersection in and out of traffic. One male was reported to have a shovel.
Upon police arrival, they arrested a 45-year-old man from Plainfield. The male was charged with being intoxicated in a public place. The male was released once he was deemed to no longer be a threat to himself or others.
Break and enter Quinte West — The Quinte West Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is investigating a break and enter that occurred at a local business in Trenton. On March 27, at approximately 2 a.m., an unknown male attended a business on Byron Street in Trenton, where he forced entry into the closed location.
Images of the male were capture and assistance is being sought from the public in identifying the person of interest with the following descriptions: The male is described as: . White
. Slim build . Between 177 cms (5’10”) and 183 cms (6’0?) . Wearing a black toque, black leather jacket and black gloves
The investigation is ongoing, and any person with information regarding this incident or the person(s) responsible is requested to contact the Ontario Provincial Police at 1-888-310-1122. Should you wish to remain anonymous, you may call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222- 8477 (TIPS), where you may be eligible to receive a cash reward.
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