Product Reviews

Bag your ?1 wardrobe at Rowcroft’s Emporium!

As the cost of living crisis continues to impact upon people’s disposable income and buying choices, the £1 rail at Rowcroft Hospice’s Emporium in Brunel Road, Newton Abbot, is proving to be a popular source of bargains for the region’s shoppers. Featu…

Help the #FlyBoys Pack Day Air Park!

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DAYTON – The University of Dayton baseball team is just under two weeks away from hosting Wright State University at Day Air Ballpark, home of the Dayton Dragons. The Flyers and Raiders square off Tuesday, April 18 at 7:00 p.m.The FlyBoys…

E-file Tax Software

Online tax software programs can make the tax filing process much easier. While the IRS currently offers a free file option, many taxpayers prefer to use third-party software as they typically offer greater ease of use and access to more options and fe…