Tagged: CANYON

Amazing photos from the American West

(Pocket-lint) – There’s nothing like a dose of nostalgia in the morning. Ancient photographs, from the very earliest days of the technology’s use, can often act as portals into times we find hard to properly imagine. 

We all know stories and movi…

2022 Audi R8 Performance RWD Spyder Review: Heresy Has Its Place

After being absent from the R8’s lineup for a handful of years, Germany is once again offering a Quattroless version of its flagship, the 2022 Audi R8 Performance Spyder RWD. I’ve just spent a week with it and I think I understand it now. In fact, I ma…

Onboard the Space Station at the End of the World

On Christmas Day 2021, all was quiet aboard the RSV Nuyina. The vessel was holding position in Storm Bay, at the southern end of Australia, only a few miles from shore. The crew were holding their tongues.Every so often, the ship’s announcement system …

All painting puzzle solutions and rewards in Elden Ring

One of the best things about exploring in Elden Ring is that you never know what you are about to stumble upon. You might wander across a hidden dungeon, get ambushed by a boss, or find a hidden NPC. There are so many things to discover that make explo…

Largest marsquakes yet detected using InSight data

The NASA InSight Mars lander might not be as well known as its rover cousins, Perseverance and Curiosity, but it is doing important work in understanding more about the interior of Mars and how the planet is shaken by marsquakes. Now, researchers have …